Aapasthambha upanayanam

Upanayanam or Sacred Thread Ceremony is performed to a boy who enters the age of 8. It makes a person fit to receive instruction in the Vedas and spread their divine power throughout the world.


Upanayanam Ceremony is one of the significant traditions among the Brahmins. Kshatriyas and Vaishyas also wear the sacred thread. A Brahmin is also called a Dwija that means the one who is born twice. A boy is said to be born again when you perform Upanayanam Samskara. A sacred thread called Janeu or Yajnopaveetam is placed around the left shoulder of the boy.

One Sacred thread contains 3 strands that symbolize three debts:

  • The debt to the Teacher
  • The debt to the Parents and Ancestors
  • The debt to God.
The ceremony is performed, starting with Vighneshwara pooja, Punyaha Vachanam, Maha Sankalpam, Kalasha pooja, Udagashanti, Upanayanam, and then the homam is performed as per the Shastras.

When to Perform Upanayanam Ceremony?

When the boy child attains 8 years of age, based on the Janma Nakshatra of the boy and parents, this ceremony is conducted on an auspicious date.

Benefits of Upanayanam Ceremony:
  • The boy is now eligible ready to learn all Vedas.
  • He is protected from all kinds of evil spirits and negative energies.
  • Increases the ability to gain knowledge.
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