Aayushya Homam

Ayushya Homam is performed for increasing the person’s lifespan and getting rid of any health-related or karmic problems arising in our life.


Ayur Devudu is the god of life. Ayushya Homam is a powerful remedy for anyone suffering from any illness or physical stress or with a Balarishta Yoga in their birth chart.

This homam is performed by invoking Ayur Devudu and chanting Ayushya Suktham, to increase your health and longevity of Life (Ayushyamu) by reducing health disorders.

When to Perform Ayushya Homam?
Schedule the Homam date as per the Janma Nakshatra of a person.
Can be performed on any auspicious day if the person is not well or in critical condition.

Benefits of Ayushya Homam:
  • This homam is very powerful to get rid of the mental and physical problems of a person.
  • This homam removes the ill effects of a previous birth or past Karma. It helps in the overall well-being of the person.
  • Helps in reducing the malefic effects of planets which in turn reduces the chances of accidents, injuries, or any other health problems.

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