Purohith available for Poojas in Hyderabad


Aksharabhyasam is one of the 16 sanskaras to be performed, in which when the baby attains age two years and above will be initiated to write the first letter for the first time to get the blessings from Matha Saraswati and Lord Ganesh by performing the Aksharabhyasam pooja to start their schooling life successfully.


Aksharabhyasam is also known as Vidhyarambham is a religious function in which the baby is given initiation for education. By doing this ceremony as per shastras, the child is ready to receive formal school education with the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Matha Saraswati.

This ceremony is one of the Sodas Sankara (16 Sanskaras), which every Hindu has to undergo. The meaning of Akshara is alphabets in Sanskrit. Abhyasam means to practice. Aksharabhyasam aims at giving the initial practice of writing letters to the child. This ceremony is generally performed when the baby turns two or two and a half years old.

When to Perform Aksharabhyasam?

This ceremony is usually performed on auspicious days like Vasant Panchami, Vijaya Dasami, Saraswati Pooja day, Guru Poornima, Dussehra, Navaratri, Sravana Pournami, Poornima, Ugadi, or Gudi Pudva day, or any other good muhurta dates.

Benefits of Aksharabhyasam:
  • Performing Aksharabhyasam Ceremony helps a child to get the blessings from Matha Saraswati and Ganesh.
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