Purohith available for all kinds of poojas in Hyderabad


Annaprasanam means introducing solid food to the child usually feeding Payasam or Paluannam. After this ritual, the child can be introduced to different foods.


Annaprasana also called “Grain initiation or Rice feeding” ceremony is performed when the child is ready to make the transition from liquid food to solid food. Usually, the child is fed with very small quantities of Rice or Sweet payasam. This pooja is performed to show gratitude to the Lord for showering the parents with a child that is healthy and ready to eat solid food.

When to Perform Annaprasanam?
This ceremony is conducted for a boy child in the 6th or 8th month. For a girl child, it is done in the 5th or 7th month. The date can be selected that is compatible with the Janma Nakshatra of the child on a good and an auspicious thithi and yoga.

Benefits of Annaprasanam:
  • Performing this ceremony helps to protect the child and increase the life span of the child.
  • The baby will get blessed and believed that any unwanted things swallowed by the baby in the womb get cleansed.

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