Fixing Muhurtam

Muhurtham is of prime importance to enhance the success of performing any act or ceremony to get the best result.

  • Vedasri Poojas helps you by fixing the Muhurta dates on your behalf for any Auspicious ceremony.
  • With our expert and professional astrologers, we narrow down on the best muhurta dates according to various factors like your Rashi, Nakshatra, place of conducting the ceremony, the type of ceremony, etc.


Fix Your Muhurtham: Muhurtham is the unit for the measurement of time in the Hindu calendar. It refers to an auspicious time or the best time we consider before starting any significant ceremony or pooja. We have 5 attributes in the Hindu calendar Nakshatram, Tithi, Varam, Yoga, and Karanam.

Based on the quality of Muhurtham, people follow the procedure to start or avoid inaugurating religious ceremonies. The Vedic scriptures recommend one or more muhurtham to perform the rituals and practices. According to the Shastras, “Time factor is a form of God; Time factor is all-powerful”. Hence it would be best for people to choose the best time for doing any valuable work to get a good effect.

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