Gruhapravesam Pooja or house warming ceremony is the list of poojas and rituals performed before one starts to live in a new house. It is the process of cleansing the new home with Vedic mantras and make it peaceful to live happily.
It is compulsory before moving into a rented or owned house. The Dweller can occupy or move things into a property after performing Gruhapravesam.
Gruhapravesam/House warming is a ceremony that is done before shifting to a new house to cleanse the place from all the evil forces. All this pooja helps to bring good fortune.
Gruhapravesam Pooja Procedure:
As per the Pravesham Muhurtham, couples enter the house after performing the Dwara Pooja, Gau pooja near the door. After the Pravesham milk boiling ceremony happens. Later Ganapati pooja, Punyahavachanam, Sankalpam, Navagraha pooja, etc are done. After that Vastu homam, Ganapathi homam, Navagraha homam, etc were performed. In the end, after Poornahuti, Satyanarayana Vratam will be performed.
Things to Remember:
- All the Pooja and Homam Samagries like Pasupu, Kumkum, Kalasam, Homam sticks, Navadhanyalu, Navagraha vastralu, Dhoti, ghee, etc will be brought by Purohits.
- Yajaman has to keep house items like the Plates, Trays, Photos, Bowls, Mats, Prasadam, Water, Coconuts, Gas stove, New milk boiling vessels, etc. You will be receiving a to-do list as soon as you book the pooja.
When to Perform Gruhapravesam Pooja?
The date can be fixed as per the Rashi Nakshatra of the Husband and Wife.
Benefits of Gruhapravesam Pooja:
- Performing this ceremony ensures that the house remains free from all kinds of negative energy.
- Gruhapravesham blesses the house with good fortune and protects it from evil eyes.
- Gruhapravesham helps in restoring the positive energy and peacefulness in the house.