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Krishna Yajurvedam

The Krishna Yajurveda Parayanam is generally done by the large number of Brahmin scholars, and the Yayurveda also contains a good collection of Vedas, and it was compiled to meet the requirements of the ancient religious practices. In fact, it was developed for the priests while doing their sacrificial Yagnas.


Vedas are the highest revelation and authority in Sanatana Dharma. The Vedas were strictly oral tradition and separated into four, Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. For thousands of years, the four Vedas were chanted solely without being written down and passed on as per Guru-Shishya Parampara.

Veda purohits chanted the Powerful holy mantras in Vedas that generate tremendous energy and vibration that counters the dark forces of inert matter to uplift creation. Presently Rig and Yajur Vedas are the most commonly known and chanted, followed by the Sama Veda. The Atharva Veda is slowly disappearing. The Rig Veda is the “root” Veda and contains many hymns to various gods of the Hindu pantheon including Indra, Rudra, Saraswati, Vishnu, etc. The other Vedas contain many mantras from the Rig Veda.

Our team of Vedic Pandits can perform Veda Parayanam at home or temple as per the convenience. There are different types of Veda parayanam.

  • Rig Veda Parayana
  • Sama Veda Parayana
  • Atharva Veda Parayana
  • Narayana Veda Parayana
  • Rig Veda Ghana Parayana etc

We can perform Sampoorna Veda Parayanam for just a few days or moola path.

Benefits of Veda Parayanam:
Performing Veda parayanam creates a positive vibration in the house.
Veda parayanam gives the performer the ultimate knowledge of our Vedas and bliss.

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