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Lakshmi kubera Homam

Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera are the gods of wealth. Lakshmi Kubera Homam is a powerful remedy for a person who wants to acquire wealth and prosperity or who is under financial crisis or severe debt in life.


Lakshmi Kubera Homam is performed for the Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, light, wisdom, fortune & fertility and Kubera is the king of yakshas and the lord of wealth.

This homam may be performed by the people who are involved in business and the person who is facing any financial problems to receive the blessings and grace of Goddess Lakshmi.

The procedure of this homam is by invoking Goddess Lakshmi followed by the chanting of Lakshmi & Kubera Mantra and then performing the Lakshmi homam by offering Lotus flowers to Agni.


When to Perform Lakshmi Kubera Homam?
  • Schedule the homam date as per the Janma Nakshatra of a person and considering the Yoga, and Thithi of that particular date. Fridays are mote beneficial for performing this homam.
  • Especially, this homam can be conducted during Akshaya Tritiya and Dhanteras/Dhanatrayodashi time.
Benefits of Lakshmi Kubera Homam:
  • This homam will help one attain high financial status in life and empower one with high Self-esteem hence giving a high fortune in life.
  • Lakshmi Kubera homam blesses and protects one’s family from misery and money-related sorrows.
  • Lakshmi Kubera homam is also a powerful remedy for a person under severe debt or financial crisis in life.
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