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Ugra Ratha Shanti

The Ugra Ratha Shanti Homam is the ritual that is celebrated at the beginning of the 60th year of a person when he enters into his 60th year and completes his 59th year of life. The male who completed the 59th year has been given an abhishekam of holy water to commemorate his last year of Vedic cycles and his all bad sins or karma energies have been resolved.


Ugra Ratha homam refers to the harsh nature of time that one could foresee, therefore the ceremony’s goal is to endow the couple with health, physical stamina, and mental acuity to prolong their relationship as well as that of their family and friends.

Three different approaches are recommended for this ceremony:

  • Saunakoktam
  • Bodhayanoktam
  • Shivaga Moktam

Ideally, the celebration should take place on the same year, month, and day as the person’s birth, as determined by the Indian calendar. People typically do this at a pilgrimage site, a temple, a riverbank, or even in a homeowner’s home.

This ritual is known as Partpara Pooja, during which people worship the gods Ganapati, Durga, and Vishu. The priests summon the presiding deities of the Directions (Dikpalakas), the oceans, the rivers, and the Navagrahas into the Kalasas, and they perform puja to the appropriate deities.

Benefits Of Ugra Ratha Shanthi Homam
  • To get more benefits from Ugra Ratha Homam consult with the best astrologer and pandit who can help you with the Ugra Ratha Shanthi Homam. There are various benefits you will get by performing Ugra Ratha Homam such as
  • The performer who celebrates Ugra Ratha Homam gets Longevity and relief from physical ailments.
  • The man relieves from Mental and physical happiness and peace.
  • Performing Ugra Ratha homam gets relief from malefic effects of planets and appeasement of planets.
  • During Ugra Ratha homam pray to your Kula-Devatha and other Lords for your and your family’s protection.
  • Appease the Lord to Fulfill the desires of each family member.
  • This Ugra Ratha Shanthi homam negates any kind of Dosha related to health in one’s horoscope.
  • Peace of mind
  • Family well-being, health, happiness, and prosperity
  • Removes negative energy & bad sins of one’s life.
  • Dosha related to financial issues, Property disputes, and family disputes, this Ugra Ratha Homam removes them.
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