Purohith available for Poojas in Hyderabad

Vinayaka Vratam

The significance of Vinayaka Vrata is depicted in Ganesha Purana. devotees who worship Lord Ganesha do this Vrata to get rid of the obstacles for marriages, to be blessed with children, to meet lost relatives and to get relieved of all bad effects in their horoscope. This great Vrata which has immense benefits can be fruitful if done just for one day and gives a place in Ganesha loka.


PROCEDURE IN BRIEF : 1. Wake up before sunrise, have bath and complete the daily worship of favorite deity. 2. Then prąy to lord Ganesha and make a wish (Sankalpam) to do Sankashtahara Ganapathi vrata. 3. Fast for whole day and have sacred thoughts all day. 4. In the evening bath with the powder made from seeds of white sesame and gooseberry (Tilamalaka churna). 5. Make an idol of lord Ganesha either with mud or turmeric powder. And prąy him to come and stay in that idol (Avahanam). 6. Worship lord Ganapathi with Dhoopa, Deepa and flowers. Worshiping with Durva is most important and mandatory. 7. One can worship lord Ganapathi with Durva twigs having three, five or seven leaves. We can worship with 21 or more twigs and at least one. 8. Chant any Ganesha mantra for at least 48 minutes. 9. Offer Nivedya and Harathi to lord Ganesha. 10. Complete puja by the rise of moon. 11. Compulsorily see the moon. prąy to the moon and Chaturthi tithi and give Arghya to both. 12. After that, prąy to lord Ganapathi and say “sankaTaam maam nivaaraya” and ask him to relieve from all troubles, give Arghya. 13. Then offer Prasada to the devotees and take yourself. 14. All through the night one should be awake with chanting and worshiping lord Ganapathi. 15. Next day morning prąy to lord Ganesha and thank him for giving this opportunity to worship and prąy to return back from the idol (Udyapanam). 16. Then do the Ganesh immersion in fresh flowing waters.
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